Being in beta and all, we have a very relaxed policy about giving out advance reader copies in e-book format. Really, we'll give them to just about anyone. We'd love it if you're a book blogger, or if you're an established reviewer at any of the book buying sites, but that is by no means a requirement. You do need to like to read, and you need to enjoy either paranormal romance or YA or both, but as long as that is true, you qualify. 

If you accept an advance reader copy, you have made a commitment to us. By accepting the free copy of the book, you agree that you will either 1. provide in-depth, constructive criticism aimed at improving the manuscript as a part of the beta-ing process, OR 2. you will provide a detailed, thoughtful, positive review of the book on an appropriate site when called upon to do so, OR 3. both. :) 

We can provide The Book of Beings in an .epub format, send to your Kindle, or share it as  a .pdf.

To request your free advance reader copy, please email us at